REGIONs4CLIMATE / Resilient Regions / Tuscany


Location: Central Italy, Gulf of Follonica, in the Municipality of Piombino

Population: 3.7 million

Area: 2,985 km2

Population density: 1,240 inhabitants per km2

Region-important activities: Popular tourist destination during the summer months, with a range of seaside tourist destinations and the city of Florence making it Italy's second most-visited region for travellers.

Challenges and solutions

Tuscany’s coastal dune system is facing growing alteration phenomena due to coastal erosion and inundation during extreme storm events. Human pressures such as tourism exacerbate this process.

Reinforcing the dune system through nature restoration will allow passive control of coastal erosion. Furthermore, the region will implement an intensive monitoring network to collect data which will further support the restoration process.

Gulf of Follonica dune restoration.
Source: Somansundar Sakthivel, University of Florence

Tuscany has committed to

Restoring coastal dune systems

Creating a model to better understand coastal dynamics

Developing territorial resilience plans based on coastal monitoring data

Several innovative actions


Engaging all stakeholders, including tourists, in actions that promote innovation, and integrating policies according to their perspectives, ideas, and values.

Site visit with local researchers and decision-makers.
Source: Luca Sbrilli, geologist consultant for the Municipality of Piombino


Monitoring coastal and marine areas to create models and assess resilience.

Implementing nature-based solutions to protect shorelines from coastal erosion risks.

Dune reinforcement, Gulf of Follonica.
Source: Zihan Liu, University of Florence


Conducting a thorough analysis of costs and benefits to identify improvements related to ecosystem solutions and services.

Assessing the impact of these solutions on different stakeholder groups.

Gulf of Follonica dune restoration.
Source: Somansundar Sakthivel, University of Florence

Policy and governance

Including the visions of the community and relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process and territorial policies through a participatory approach.

Site visit with local researchers and decision-makers.
Source: Somansundar Sakthivel, University of Florence

Faster Adaptation Challenge Suite

Tuscany is part of the Faster Adaptation Challenge Suite, whose frontrunner region is the Basque Country. The challenge suite recognises the need for innovation and Faster Adaptation to combat climate change and reduce climate-related risks while safeguarding coastal ecosystem integrity.

Through these proposed demonstrations of innovation actions, Tuscany is well on its way to becoming a leading example of climate resilience in Europe.

In the press


Tor del Sale, sì al progetto per ricostruire il sistema dunale


Recupero delle dune contro l’erosione costiera


Entidades expertas en dinámica costera visitan Txingudi para conocer la futura intervención en la laguna de San Lorenzo, en el marco de la Misión de Adaptación al Cambio Climático, el proyecto Regions4Climate y la Red Natura 2000, de la UE

Regional contact points

The Region of Tuscany 
Luigi Cipriani

Discover the other regions in the Faster Adaptation Challenge Suite



Basque Country


South Aquitaine


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